Tips For Staying Healthy As A Remote Worker
Working from home is a dream for most people, but keeping up your physical and mental
wellness can be difficult, especially if you haven’t developed a routine that works for you. Once
your health starts depleting, you’ll find that it affects your work, too. To succeed as a remote
worker, you have to be able to build a life that keeps you moving, eating well, and enjoying life
overall. Here are some tips for how to feel your best while you work from home.
Develop a routine
The first and most important step to being successful as a remote worker is developing a routine
that works for you. Without this, you might find yourself accidentally missing meals or forgetting
that you need to take a break. A routine will allow you to be more productive during the time that
you’re working and enjoy the moments when you aren’t. Take advantage of alarms on your
phone, so you never miss things.
Fitness and nutrition
If you work at home, you may find that it’s easy to stay in your home all the time. You can start
to develop an unhealthy habit of never getting outside and never seeing people. You might find
that your nutrition starts to take a turn for the worst, too. FlexJobs warns that sedentary lifestyles
are unhealthy and might even be worse for your health than smoking or diabetes.
The best way to combat this is to take time to exercise throughout the day. For example, you
could go for a morning walk or afternoon run. You can even take breaks to do yoga or lift
weights. Make sure you are eating at least three meals a day. You can also add healthy snack
breaks in. Choose snacks like almonds, carrot sticks, hummus, yogurt and berries, hard-boiled
eggs, and jerky. These will give you the most energy throughout the day.
A~pira can help with this. They offer weekly tips and motivation for staying healthy. Not only do
they give out advice and encouragement, but they also have free fitness events that are
available across Southern California.
Designate a workspace
To stay focused on work, make sure you choose a space in your home where you do your work.
This way, you’ll always be in the right mindset when you sit down to tackle something. This will
also keep you from getting distracted by your surroundings. Choose a quiet area where you can
focus. Make sure the space is set up with everything you will need, so you don’t have to scour
the house looking for things.
SpareFoot recommends making the space comfortable. One of the benefits of working from
home is getting to set things up how you want them. To make the most out of your workspace,
invest in an ergonomic chair and functional tech like a Soundbar for your computer.
If your mental health has taken a turn for the worst, meditating can help you overcome things
and develop a more mindful way of going. According to Healthline, meditating is proven to help
with things like anxiety, stress, and low attention spans. Once you start meditating regularly, you
will develop a more positive outlook on life, and you’ll find that you’re more aware of your
surroundings. As if meditating couldn’t get better, there are several apps that will help you get
you started on your journey to mindfulness.
Change things up
Having a routine doesn’t mean you have to do the same thing every day. If you have the exact
same day over and over again, you will get lost in the monotony. Maybe take your work outside
one day. Set up an area behind your house where you can listen to the birds while you do your
work for the day. Or take a weekend to go hiking with friends. Staying social is incredibly
important for remote workers because they often find themselves isolated.
The most important part of working from home is making sure you are healthy and happy. Build
a routine that works for you, make sure your body has the right fuel to get things done, develop
mindful habits like meditation, and don’t be scared to change things up every now and then.